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Showing posts from December, 2019


Computer hacks surely make the job easy. However, today when kids start to learn computer in school, they barely pay attention to the text in the computer guide and skip on the shortcut hacks. A lady shares her experience; she mentions “last weekend I took my kid to a computer store Georgia where he comes across learning few computer shortcuts through a computer expert in the store. The expert was friendly and gives my kid a valuable part of his time.” Indeed, the shortcut hacks to improve the computer skills of an individual and help to get the job done quickly. Here are few efficient shortcuts— Reverse your actions—Simply Undo! When it comes to reversing your mistakes while doing a project, students have to go a long way to correct. However, using undo and redo shortcut keys, they may enjoy the comfort of correcting their mistakes. Besides, sometimes in a hurry, we erase whatever we’ve written and felt like we lost the stuff forever. Well no! We just need to Undo it (...